Outdoor Pizza Cooking w/KettlePizza

pizza party

We have been busy getting ready for summer and setting up our outdoor pizza kitchen down by the river. We can’t wait for all of the social distancing to be more relaxed and we can have friends and family over for a handmade pizza. Everyone loves a good homemade pizza right off the grill and served on their own pizza peel.

KettlePizza fresh off the grill and served on your own pizza peel. How great is that!

Brad was able to make some great pizza tables and we have a few new tricks up our sleeves to add to the mix. We’ve been trying our hand at homemade focaccia bread/artwork. And as the fire dies down and the coals cool, we toss in a pan of cookie dough and make some chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Wood fired cookies are all the rage these days!

So this summer, we will be hanging out the pizza sign, rolling our homemade dough, topping our pizza with homemade sauce, and maybe even making some fresh mozzarella by the river. We have had some of the best pizza and some of the best times with people. Everyone loves to make their own pizza.

Chop up all of your toppings and have them ready to go!

We usually set up a station as a topping bar and pizzas are set on the rack ready to go onto the grill.

photo credit to Matt Frampton pizza guru

Making homemade dough is important too. I have my own recipe that I share here on my site along with my homemade sauce. This year I am going to try Matt Frampton’s pizza crust recipe that he shares freely with other and is posted on the KettlePizza site. Here is a link: https://www.kettlepizza.com/matt-framptons-ultimate-pizza-dough-recipe-kettlepizza/

So get ready for a ton of pizza pics and people enjoying pizza by the river this year!